Many people say that if you want to get rich quick, go into business. It appears that there is truism n this statement as a great number of people who are rich are in the field of business. If you will dig deeply in the life story of those people who have amassed great wealth, you will not be surprised that most of them have very humble beginnings. Some started with a few pesos earned the hard way, other emberked into business with several hundreds borrowed from a friend, while some began with a small amount as gifts from parents. It is interesting to note also that many of these businessmen have not had any formal education nor many years of schooling, yet they have proven to be very successful on this line of undertaking.
My friend Denise ventured into busines at a very young age. When she was still in college she decided to get into business, particularly a printing company. Though her family is well off she still ventured to it maybe at least for experience and at the same time earn extra money. For couple of years the business was succesful. I even worked as an account executive there for a couple of months. After that she also ven tured in a bag business... "THE BROAD SHOULDER}". She started by getting the products from Greenhills and now she has her own production of the bags.
Indeed she was really awesome, a genius and I salute her for her guts!!!
I am currently employed and I realized that it's better if I save my earnings so that I can start my own business. At least I can have a fall back just in case I can no longer handle working for other people. I still don't have any idea about it and I don't even know if I have the guts just like my friend. But for now I have to save for my future.
Success in business is achieved in many ways and of different degrees. To some people , business may seem like magic so much so that anything they lay their hands on turn into gold. Money just flow profusely into their bucket. While some people are extremely lucky to make money the easy way, others have to work hard to gain it.
The best thing is to think positively. Have faith that success will come to us and it will surely come. If we have that strong desire to be a success, keep it in mind and do everything to attain this goal. Make use of our talent and abilities.
The road to success in any form of endeavor may not always be smooth and rosy. Sometimes it can be rough and rocky, at times there are ups and downs, twist and turns. Atlhough I may start with high spirit, full of zest and enthusiasm, more often than not, unexpected obstacles may cropped up. I won't let this setback discourage me or dampen my spirit. I'll bear in mind that the ability to succeed depends on me and nobody else. Only then can I achieve and enjoy it whatever undertaking I may embark.
***Thanks to Denise for being an inspiration.
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