I am a self declared hypocrite hater. I am a perfect blend of independent and care. Good catch ayt!~
Worst Day of My Life

Well ADMU may be unlucky today. These may be the worst day of their lives and even for me because I'm a die hard ateneo fan but I'm definitely sure they will take their revenge on the next UAAP season.
Just as the saying goes "Kung sino nagpapakababa ay siyang itinataas ng Diyos".
The ADMU community still believe!! And forever they will fight. It's not goodbye ateneo, it's see yah soon!!!
Loev Poems For Everyone

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.
And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.
- Sheelagh Lennon
An Entrapment
My love, I have tried with all my being
to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
but nothing seems worthy;
I know now why Shakespeare could not
compare his love to a summer’s day.
It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
of such a creature as thee,
to simply cast away the precision
God had placed in forging you.
Each facet of your being
whether it physical or spiritual
is an ensnarement
from which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.
- Anthony Kolos
***I saw this in the internet...don't know how to write one. Well I do but not that good. anyways hope you like it.
How Hard Do You Fall?

1. Two days before a blind date, you
scavenge your closet for the right outfit.
2. After three years of no contact, you see your crush, BJ, again. You
wonder why it took three years. You’ve been searching for him everywhere!
3. After chatting with Internet Guy for a few weeks, you decide to
meet up with him and see if sparks fly in person.
4. Your best boy bud admits that he’s been crushing on you for two years. You
think he’s being funny. As usual.
5. A secret admirer sent you a poem. You
go to school the next day wearing your prettiest outfit. You can’t help it, you’re inspired!
6. You see your boyfriend with another girl in the mall. You
cry your heart out in yet another “We Hate Boys” bonding session with the gals.
Grounded Gal
You're currently in love or are aware that true love is just around the corner. You go to school looking your best because someone makes you smile. Just hang on to your sanity and you'll stay inspired.
Confused Mind and a Sprained Ankle

Anyways I didn't go to work today..I sprained my right ankle and it does really hurt. Ate Marilou(Our Great Manghihilot)came over and gave me a nice and relaxing massage. Thnak God I was a bit relieved but still the pain is there. I hope wala na sya bukas and that everything will be fine na para makapasok na ko.

1.lets start with your name
~> Mary Catherine Leilani, pangalan palang yan la pang surname
2. unang araw na nakita ka sa mundo
~> may 5,1983
3. living with parents?
~> alone kamo
4. first time you fell in love?
~> 1st year high school
5. naging kayo?
~> sana lang..
6. jeep or bus?
~> jeep.
7. gaano katagal yung record mo ng pakikipag
usap sa fone?
8. softdrinks or icedtea?
~> softdrinks
9. first thing na ginagawa mo pag gising mo?
~> inat
10. pag naliligo ka ano una mong binabasa?
~> ulo
11. ano dream car mo?
~> Ford Linx
12. 10 years from now..ikaw ay?
~> have a family of my own
13. what are u thinking ryt now?
~> pano magkakaroon ng extra income.
14. any sayings?
~> The essence of Knowledge is having it to apply it.
15. choice of color?
~> blue and white
16. unit ng fone mo?
~>8250 lang, phbia na ko sa high end nanakawan nako!!!
17. wer are you ryt now?
~> office, sa cubicle ko
18. wat r u wearing ryt now?
~> red shirt and white pants
19. nagsasalamin ka ba sa mata?
~> yes
20. may pet ka?
~> yes a cute dog
21. ano?
~> chow
22. long hair Ka or short hair?
~> short
23. hot or cold?
~> cold
24. anong size ng paa mo?
~> 6
25. your fav coffee shop?
~> beanhopper or starbucks
26. anong ringtone mo?
~>We Belong Together(Mariah Carey)
27. na try mo na bang bunutin ipin mo?
~> huh!!! never
28. trip mo bang mag around the world?
~> pwede rin
29. aZtiG kA ba??
~> di eh
30. anO k smart o gloBe?
~> globe
31. bat m cnagot i2ng surbey?
~> patay oras lang
~So much Surveys~
Knowing more about me survey. Got it from friendster's bulletin. Thanks to Chaveli!!!
1.Color of most clothes you own:
= mostly shaed of blue but I wear any color except for neon ones.
2.Number of pillows you sleep with?
= 3
3.What room are you in right now?
= my room
4.What were you doing 12AM last night?
= texting with April and Ems(Thanks to Globe for unlimited sms)
5.How old will you be ten years from now?
= 32
6.What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years?
= married and have 2 children and having my own business.
7.Do you have braces?
= no!! I never had, my teeth is ok.
8.Are you paranoid?
= sometimes
9.Describe your wallet?
= it's a Louis Vitton, given by my mom. It contains of course my money, my bpi and metro bank atm card, some pic.of my pics, mom's and some friends,concert tickets, Holy Spirit pamphlets way back in elementary.
10.Your alarm clock?
= my cellphone
11.Your hair?
= short, with brown streaks. I keep it short because I don't have nice straight hair..grrrr!!!
12.Tooth brush?
= blue toothbrush
13.What color are your eyes?
= dark brown. I tried wearing contact but I hate them. Once in a while I still use my eyeglasses from ideal vision.
14.First enemy?
= Mimi. She's a bitch!!!
15.First play/musical/performance?
= In 3rd year college when we did Romeo and Juliet.
16.Last movie seen in cinema?
= The Island
17.Last person you yelled at?
= Toni, my gay friend.
18.Last crush?
= Wesley Gonzales...He's a sports celebrity but ordinary person...I don'r know. Denise once told me I got the most number of crushes in elementary and I never outgrew it. hhehe.
19.Last shoes worn?
= white pumps from Mendrez
20.Last ice cream eaten?
= I haven't...got colds!
21.Last thing written by hand?
= excuse letter of my niece
22.Last time wanting to die?
= have no idea!!!
23. When was the last time went out @ night?
= That was so last month pa!! August 19, BlueWave at Macapagal Ave.
Tambayang SMB. Still out until 3am.
24. What were you doing last night?
= Texting April about her life as a mom!!!
25. Why do you like yourself?
= because I'm not perfect and that's why my life is exciting.
26. What are your plans for tomorrow?
= go to layce's place after work to clarify some problems.
27. What was the last thing you won?
= A volleyball game at the village.
28. When was the last time you got angry?
= last month pa!!!
29. What was the last song you heard?
= Destiny's Child...(Cater To You)That's the song in my YM Launch Radio.
30. When was the last time you entered a club?
= can't remember!
31. what is it about the opposite $ex (physically)
that gets you?
= the eyes
32. what are the three things that you cannot
live without everyday (besides water and
= food,water,cellphone
33. current music that's playing?
= Cater To You(Destiny's Chlid)
34. can you list three things that are taking up
space on your table?
= phone,folders with sales report,organizer,phone directory,post-it note pad..sorry!! I cant' only give three...ahaha!!!dami kasi.
35. What do you want to do now?
= sleep
36. what's the colour of your room?
= plain white
37. what's the first thing you ate this morning?
= Lucky Me Sotanghon and Boston Kreme(Dunkin Donut)Pasalubong ni Kuya
38. what shampoo do you use?
= Head n Shoulders
39. how many people do you have on your
MSN/Yahoo! Messenger friends list?
= around 200
40. what's that one music album you never got
= Backstreet Boy's Black and Blue album...nick is soooooo cute!!
41.favourite day of the week? why?
= Saturday...I can hang-out with some friends and stay up late.
42. did you do anything stupid in the past 24
= none as of the moment
43. did anything useful in the past hour?
= yup...tutorial lesson
43. what's your MSN/Yahoo! id right now?
= chi_silverhair
44. if you could change your name,what would it
= Ma.Alessandra Carmelli
45. play any musical instruments?
= guitar
46. what is yer favorite quote in life?
= The essence of Knowledge is having it to apply it.
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